Brit rockers 'Two of Substance' to headline Liverpool's Cavern Club

Brit rockers 'Two of Substance' to headline Liverpool's Cavern Club
The U.K. has bred some of the world's most elite musical talent.. from the Beatles and Stones to Zeppelin, the Who, Sex Pistols, The Clash, and beyond - Something about world domination must go hand in hand with making kick ass tunes. Recently, I spoke with Dirtbag Endorsed Artists, 'Two of Substance' - a U.K. band with a new take on the classic tradition that is British rock and roll. G - Hello, and greetings from across the pond!! I recently got the chance to check out your new tracks on Spotify: ‘Feel a Sound’ and ‘I’m Getting By’ .. which make up in full, the little two-song snack which you recently released. Well done. You have dropped a couple of these little snacks recently- tell us about the thought process behind releasing music in two’s. 2OS - We have always believed in the idea of letting people become acquainted with some of our songs before we release them all together in a full length album. That way, the LP will be welcomed with both arms because people will trust what is already on it. There's nothing worse than a Band releasing an album which is full of songs that haven't already been promoted as Singles because it dilutes the audience's attention. We have our eyes and ears on both ends of the spectrum. G - How did you choose these two tracks to join together for this release? 2OS - For "Feel a Sound / I'm Getting By" specifically it was just a case of trial & error. We've released Singles with B-Sides, so we thought it would be kinda cool to experiment by releasing a Double A-Side Single. It's worked pretty well so far so we're made up with the results! G - Can we expect any more two-song snack packs from you this year? 2OS - Having released 4 Singles from our upcoming album, two B-Sides and a special VEVO release - I think we are more than satisfied with what is up for grabs now until album release day. We are stupidly excited for that! G - Somebody told us you have a pretty big show coming up.. and you’re the headliner? 2OS - Yes! Quite literally a dream come true because we are headlining The World Famous Cavern Club in Liverpool, birthplace of The Beatles and home to other legendary bands that have performed there. To even play there is an honour, but to be told we are headlining was like Christmas coming early! Wednesday 20th September at 7pm is when the doors open and we're gonna be playing songs off our album and throwing in a couple of covers as well, so we are bouncing off the walls for this! G - What can people see at a 2OS show that they might not get anywhere else? 2OS - Three people that have a truck load of passion and just want to have a good time. We all have a very unique sense of humour and sometimes that can slip out on stage if we are enjoying ourselves too much, but other than that, the major thing that sets us apart from other bands is our songs... because nobody else performs our songs. G - What is the weirdest thing that has ever happened at a 2OS show? 2OS - Oh God... well a few things spring to mind, but one we will say for now is when we were signing autographs after our set one time and this guy asked us to sign both his nipples and his belly button - which we did, because we are decent fellas after all.
Decent fellas they are! Keep an eye out on The Cavern Club Website to purchase tickets for the September 20th show, and be sure to follow Two of Substance!

Two of Substance on VEVO

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Two of Substance on Spotify

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