The "BOSS" Featured item for the week!

Featured item get's a free Sticker Pack and BEST DUDE lanyard from January 19th-27th 2015. Every now and then you gotta take charge and be the BOSS! Not Bruce Springstein and Jimmy Fallon doing the BOSS on TV. I'm talking about this simple but elegant hat that we're told is proper attire for the Oscars, Grammys and our favorite the Razzies. Not sure you would want to hang out with Brad Pitt or George Clooney but I'm sure we would all grab a beer with Lemmy at the Rainbow Room. Besides Lemmy and maybe BB KING I would rather kick it at the local club watching the bands live the dream and I'm taking the BOSS with me to enjoy the show. Not approved by Jennifer Lawrence but the Dirtbag crew thinks she is the BOSS and would look damn fine in our hat.... drop your toast first and butter the top side....